Russian journalist was amazed by the beauty of Indonesia


A total of six journalists, two of the television media, a news agency, and three of the print media in Russia, going to Indonesia for ten days on 9-19 April 2011 in order to cover the sights in the package familiarization trip (Famtrip).

Counsellor Embassy in Moscow M. Aji Surya in his statement to the Between London, on Wednesday (13/04/2011), mentions the name of Indonesia increasingly popular in the land of the White Bear makes people thirsty tourist information in the archipelago.

According to Aji, six Russian journalists covering the beauty of the sea in Bunaken Manado, North Sumatra, then to Bali and the Komodo. After visiting Prambanan Temple, Borobudur and sauntered in Malioboro, they continue their final destinations in Jakarta.

According to one participant, Yana Soloveyva, such a visit has always been a dream of many journalists. Tropical nature, beautiful sights, until about a meal culinary television viewers and readers of Russian.

"The reporters generally dream-a dream making out with a warm sun by the beach with crystal clear sea. Bali is very famous in Russia. Therefore, we want to make coverage of Bali, Bunaken, Komodo, and other famous sights," says Yana.

Meanwhile, Irina Schegolkova of the most advanced in the Russian news agency, Ria Novosti, want to make this opportunity to explore the many tourist information about Indonesia in order to complete the run tourist information office.

Irina hoped, prospective travelers can easily get Russia to Indonesia tourist information simply by accessing the tourist sites Ria Novosti.

The number of Russian tourists to Indonesia last year to reach 80,000 people or an increase of 15 percent over the previous year. Uniquely, the Russian tourists visiting Indonesia is still in the pockets of people who are very thick. This is different from Russian tourists to Egypt and Turkey are very diverse with a total of 2 million people a year.

According to Aji, Russian journalist's coverage of the various tourist destinations archipelago is expected to be a window of knowledge and then be able to improve the flow of Russian tourists in the future. "If Russia-Indonesia direct flight realized, optimistic figure may be exceeded 100,000 tourists this year," he said following the journey of the Russian journalist.

Famtrip activities or the introduction of a tourist destination is one of the important activities of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism from year to year. Famtrip reporters this time in collaboration with the Indonesian Embassy in Moscow.